Family Friendly Attractions in Calgary, Canada
Things To Do

Family Friendly Attractions in Calgary, Canada

Heading through Alberta’s largest city on a ski trip to the Rockies this winter, or on a camping trip next summer?

While you might not know what to do in the city known locally as Cowtown, be assured that there are plenty of family friendly attractions in Calgary.

The following ones we will mention are among the best of them, so flesh out your itineraries with the likes of…

1. Telus Spark

If your kids are old enough to be in school, there’s a good chance that Telus Spark will appeal to them. This comprehensive science museum draws just under 400,000 visitors per year to see its interactive science exhibits that range in topic from human physiology to energy and geology (not at all surprising, considering this city’s stature within the global oil industry).

If you have the time, be sure to take in a movie in the on-site IMAX theatre, or a live planetarium show, both of which will captivate your kids from start to finish.

2. Calgary Zoo

Run by Alberta’s oldest not-for-profit organization, the Calgary Zoo is committed in its mission to help in the conservation of animals at home and abroad.

The ones that find themselves as guests here could very well be your children’s first opportunity to see an exotic species – the ones that it has in its possession presently include komodo dragons, rhinoceroses, and penguins among many other types.

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While they aren’t actually real, there is also an exhibit Judi Online Terpercaya called Prehistoric Park, where models of various kinds of the cold blooded lizards can be found amidst the foliage of the opposite of the island which the Calgary Zoo sits upon.

3. Canada Olympic Park

Have some little athletes in your family? If so, they will probably enjoy a trip to Canada Olympic Park, where there are various opportunities for fun through active play and sport at any point in the year.

Downhill skiing and snowboarding, as well as cross-country skiing is available during the winter, and in summer, these pursuits give way to the mountain bikers.

Trampolines are also available during the warm months, and when your little ones are off expending energy (or when they have finished doing so), Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame will make for a fun hour or two of exploration.

4. Heritage Park Historical Village

It’s hard to imagine Calgary as a pioneer outpost, but little more than a century and a half ago, that’s exactly what it was.

Your kids will have a ball immersing themselves in this alternate universe at the Heritage Park Historical Village, where depictions of 19th and early 20th century structures dating from the settlement of Western Canada can be found in abundance.

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Period actors/actresses complete the illusion, and are so convincing, you might even find yourself believing them!