CT-50 Review

CT-50 Review – Does Tyler Bramlett’s CT-50 Work?

If you are looking to reshape your body by spending less than one hour a week, then this CT-50 review should help you.

CT-50 or Cross-Training 50 is an e-book by Tyler Bramlett that provides you the workouts that can help you to lose weight and get in shape without the use of any fancy equipment and in the comfort of your home.

According to Tyler, all you need to implement his program is a single dumbbell and a pull-up bar. These items can be purchased online or from your local sporting goods store.

What Is Unique About CT-50 Fitness Program?

  • The most unique thing about this program is the Progressive Movement Technology™.
  • According to Tyler, this method consists of unique combination movements that engage every muscle in your body in the right sequence. And when this happens, the body gets the correct signals to burn fat fast.
  • It seems, you can burn fat real fast by performing the right movements in the right order and then knowing exactly when to switch up the routine to push your results further.
  • CT-50 Progressive Movement Technology can be put to use by anyone from a newbie to an experienced athlete.
  • It took Tyler more than 7 years to do experiments and find out the most effective movements for the human body.
  • This system was used to successfully train 500 people at Tyler’s gym in Santa Cruz, California. And thousands of people have benefitted from this program online.
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What Will You Learn In This Program?

  • Cross-Training 50 is broken down into five levels and each level consists of 10 workouts.
  • Level One is the starting point and in this level you will be doing simple movements that can be performed without stressing and injuring any part of the body. These are routines like shoulder bridge lifts, one leg shin taps, body rows, and Turkish arm bars.
  • Level two is one notch higher in terms of difficulty. This level involves routines like Turkish sit ups, single unders and burpee walk outs.
  • Level three workouts are slightly more challenging than the previous two levels. This level helps you to overcome any plateau so that you are motivated to burn fat and get in shape.
  • Level four is all about complex movements that will shape your body in a way that you could have never thought about.
  • Level five will get you the results you always dreamt about trivabet. This level involves workouts like grasshoppers, kipping pull ups, inchworms, goblet jump squats, and vertical pike presses.
  • After you reach the tenth routine of each level, you will have to check your progress with a “Challenge Workout”. You can progress to the next level only when you pass the Challenge Workout.
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What Do You Get When You Purchase CT-50?

Following are the modules in this product:

  1. CT-50 Main Manual – The main manual walks you through all the simple steps that are required to do this program and shape your body.
  2. Video Follow-Along Workouts – There are 50 workouts that are covered in the video follow-along module. Here you will be able to see all the movements.
  3. Comprehensive Instructional Videos – The instructional videos give instructions about 96 exercises that make up the 50 workouts.
  4. CT-50 Wall Charts – To achieve best results you have printable wall charts that you can stick on the wall for frequent referencing.
  5. CT-50 Workout Score Sheets – As you make progress it is important that you document and update progress. The workout score sheets help you to achieve this.
  6. CT-50 Quick Start Guide – To quickly get started after the purchase of this product, you will have the quick start guide.

Other than the six main modules, Tyler has included 3 bonus modules.

  1. Super Workout Smoothies – These recipes help you to burn more fat, preserve lean muscle and recover from workouts quickly.
  2. The CT-50 Supplement Guide – Although supplements are not required for reshaping your body, but this guide has been included based on popular demand.
  3. The CT-50 Workout Integration Guide – In case you want to pursue other sports like cycling, swimming, karate etc along with the CT-50 program, this guide provides you ways to integrate additional activities.
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How Fast Can You Get Results With CT-50 Fitness Program?

  • Each workout takes 20 minutes and you can start by doing these workouts thrice a week. You can easily crank things up to a maximum of five workouts per week.
  • If you are committed in your workouts, as you move from level one towards level five you should see good results.